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hvor liten kasse kan jeg ha?

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  • hvor liten kasse kan jeg ha?

    hei.har 4 stk pioneer ts-w308d2 di skal ha en kasse på 140 liter i lukket kasse.det jeg lurte på er hvis jeg fyller begge kammerene til kassa med dempe ull,hvor liten kan jeg lage kassa i liter uten at det går ut over lyden?kan jeg f eks krympe den ned til 100 liter?

    mvh kim

  • #2
    Riktig mengde dempeull kan vel få kassen til å virke inntil 30% større...

    Annet alternativ er isobaric med 2 og 2 elementer hvor kassestørrelsen kan være på halvparten av det ett element normalt skal ha.

    Står litt om det på denne siden.

    Another enclosure design that you may hear of is isobaric. Isobaric is not actually an enclosure type but a woofer loading method. Isobaric loading can be used in conjunction with any of the enclosure types, except perhaps infinite baffle. Isobaric loading consists of two woofers coupled together by a short enclosure which is only long enough to prevent the two woofers from striking one another. The woofers may be mounted face to face, back to back or front to back. However it is important to have the woofers firing in phase with one another. In order to accomplish this with the woofers firing front to front or back to back one of the woofers speaker leads must be reversed with respect to the other woofer.

    Isobaric loading is usually used when space is at a premium or a maximum number of woofers wish to be used in a certain volume of space. By isobarically loading the woofers, a box of only half the size of a one woofer box is needed. For example, if a 12" woofer requires a two cubic foot box, the same 12" woofer isobarically loaded only requires a one cubic foot box. The cost of this design, other than doubling the woofer cost, is a reduction in the subwoofer system efficiency by three decibels (if both woofers are given the same power as a single woofer), which is equivalent to halving the amplifier power. New, small box subwoofer designs have all but eliminated the need for isobaric loading in car audio and it has fallen out of popularity.

    Advantages of this design are increased linearity in the speaker movement, lower space requirements, and increased power handling.

    Disadvantages are increased cost, increased design and assembly complexity, and decreased efficiency.


    • #3
      takker for svar.da er det vel bare å fylle opp kassa med luftig dempe ull da eller?isobaric er ikke aktuelt.har vært inne og kikka på den siden før tror hvis det stemmer med antall liter hjelper bare 20 liter mindre myyye faktisk

      mvh kim


      • #4
        Må innrømme at jeg aner ikke hva som er riktig mengde dempeull, aldri helt funnet ut av det, bare prøver meg fram
        Hørt at en skal fylle kassen mer eller mindre helt opp, men uten at det blir trykket på plass av elementet. Men ville tro at tettheten på dempe ulla har betydning...

